This is a program that I had saw used by programmers at conferences and it took awhile to get a hang of using the tool. Memorizing a few key shortcuts really made this tool my go to for anything with a textual element. You can paste code into the editor purely for formatting, you can perform mass edits to multiple lines at once; multi-cursor selection. This program is really a text editor on steroids.
Recently, I have been referred to VSCode, which I have been actively testing. VSCode is a free alternative with similar functionality. It also appears to be more frequently maintained than Sublime Text.
Through the use of this program, I came across numerous packages that helped with performing various tasks. Below are some of the packages that I use frequently. Their descriptions can be viewed at
- Advanced PLSQL
- Advanced CSV
- AlignTab
- All Autocomplete
- ApacheConf
- Auto Semi-Colon
- AutoFileName
- AutoSpell
- BracketGuard
- BracketHighlighter
- Case Conversion
- CodeCounter
- ColorPicker
- Compare Side-By-Side
- Copy as HTML
- Crontab
- CSS Extended Completions
- CSS Format
- DeleteBlankLines
- DocBlockr
- Emmet
- FileBinder
- Foundation 6 Autocomplete
- GenerateUUID
- Git
- GitGutter
- Google Spell Check
- Hasher
- HTML Minifier
- HTML-CSS-JS Prettify
- Increment Selection
- InsertDate
- jQuery
- JSLint
- Origami
- Package Control
- PackagesUI
- Pretty JSON
- rainbow_csv
- RainbowBrackets
- Random Everything
- RandomCase
- Show Character Code
- Side-by-Side Settings
- SideBarEnhancements
- SqlBeautifier
- Status Bar File Size
- StringUtilities
- StyleToken
- SublimeCodeIntel
- Swap Selections
- tabr
- TabsExtra
- VBScript